Published Date: August 26, 2006

The most recent Business 2.0 magazine’s cover story was “Blogging for Dollars” that I feel will bring even more entrepreneurs into the blogging space. Feel free to read the online version if you aren’t a subscriber. There are already massive amounts of people entering the blogging space without a business 2.0 article mentioning the blogging millionaires like Michael Arrington and John Battelle. The article seems to paint a rosy picture for young entrepreneurs- start posting often with useful information in a certain niche, put adsense on your blog, and watch the money come in. It would be super interesting to see the figures of how many additional blogs are started in the next 2-3 months because of that article (if you have a way to do that, please do and share with everyone).

My prediction? Lots of entrepreneuers will enter the market to try to make some money…and give up. If people think blogging is an easy and quick way to make some money, they will have a very tough road ahead of them. It takes time and persistance, something many people are short on, to build a blog audience. Especially given the increasing numbers of people starting up blogs every single day, bloggers will have a difficult time distinguising themselves from the thousands of other new blogs popping up. The blogosphere has been doubling every 6 months according to the most recent “State of the Blogosphere” report. Does anyone know if, internet-wide, the number of blog readers or the total time readers are spending reading blogs is also doubling every 6 months? Afterall, it really doesn’t matter how many blogs there are. Monetization of blogs comes through a blog’s audience, so if the audience is not growing, profits won’t grow either.