Published Date: October 1, 2006

I just watched Robert Scoble’s interview with Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz, who was the 1st CEO from a Fortune 500 company to have a blog, and it was very insightful. I’ll definitely be tuning into future interviews on the Scoble Show (this was the 1st one). Sun’s biggest challenge according to Jonathan? Getting the word out to the developer and IT community. Given that I love the future prospects of Salesforce, another thing I found interesting was how impressed he seemed with (one of their larger clients). I agree with his point that more and more small businesses are going to start turning to salesforce to handle their CRM needs rather than try to develop something in-house. How does this help Sun you might ask? Economies of scale- as an example, it is more efficient for Sun to work with very large datacenters than to try to help a small flower shop build a system to handle their own IT needs.



Direct Link to .MOV file (requires Quicktime & lots of bandwidth to download!)