Published Date: October 27, 2006

These tips are thanks to Robert & Maryam Scoble during their presentation at Blog Business Summit in Seattle. So you now have no excuses to not creating a compelling and interesting blog. 

  1. Blog cause you want to
  2. Read other blogs – everyone has a different style to blogging.Pick up a style by reading other blogs and finding out what you relate to and enjoy reading.
  3. Pick a niche you can own (and be different)
  4. Link to other blogs
  5. Admit your mistakes
  6. Write good headlines (this is absolutely crucial in my mind)
  7. Have a voice – “blogging requires passion and authority. Which leaves out most people”
  8. Get outside the blogosphere
  9. Market yourself
  10. Write well – be creative and different
  11. Expose yourself
  12. Help other people blog – share what you’ve learned
  13. Engage with commenters – don’t be skiddish
  14. Keep your integrity – “you are what you appear to be”