for W3c validation
Face it–putting all your eggs in one basket is a horrible business strategy. The more pieces of the business operations that a company controls, the better off they are. Are bands promoting themselves on myspace making the mistake of putting all their eggs in one basket? Teresa’s “The Death of Myspace” post at Blog Business Summit got me thinking: what happens when myspace loses its appeal and its 100 million users flock to the next “hip” social networking platform? Afterall, there is already a study stating that “myspace is so last year” in the minds of today’s teens. Additionally, over at Puddlegum, there is an interesting article that goes into some of the reasons that myspace is dying.
There are over 3 million bands using myspace to promote their music, many of whom use myspace to connect with ALL their fans. When myspace falls out of favor, many bands will have no way to connect with their fans anymore and, therefore, have to start over with marketing. If a band spends the majority of its time promoting an online presence that they do not fully control (their band’s myspace page), I fully believe that is a bad business strategy in the long term. If you are a band, use myspace for what it is–an supplemental means to market your music; use it to drive visitors to your real web site and engage them.
I believe myspace WILL die–hence, the reason that bands should NOT put all their eggs in one basket by connecting with their fans strictly in myspace. Utilize your own web presence in ADDITION to promoting on myspace.