Published Date: April 18, 2007

I certainly do – is a regular part of my day. Anyways, the point of the post is that I was made aware that it might not be around in its current state if we don’t act. Her’s an e-mail that I received today from a colleague:

The survival of all Internet radio is in jeopardy because of a recent decision by the Copyright Royalty Board in Washington, DC to almost triple the licensing fees for Internet radio sites.  The new royalty rates are irrationally high, more than four times what satellite radio pays, and broadcast radio doesn’t pay these at all.  Left unchanged, these new royalties will kill every Internet radio site.  SaveNetRadio Coalition is a group that includes listeners, artists, labels and webcasters, and they created the following petition to solicit your support.

Please sign this petition urging your Congressional representative to act to save Internet radio: 

Please feel free to forward this link/email to your friends – the more petitioners, the better.

If you listen to internet radio, please sign the petition (and BLOG THIS if you maintain a blog).