Published Date: April 29, 2007

I know this is a little late, but here’s an e-mail titled “This e-mail is not for you” that I received from last night. It ends with a call to action to e-mail the letter to one friend, but I figure blogging it is better than sending an e-mail to one person –

It’s for your friend.

So far this week over 74,329 Americans have joined the fight against extreme poverty making us the fastest growing movement in America. Let’s keep it that way.

To truly eradicate extreme poverty once and for all we need a strong and sizable block of Americans working to make poverty a priority.

To this end, I am issuing a challenge to all members: get at least ONE friend to sign up and join ONE and help end poverty. Let’s add 25,000 more members by Wednesday, making it 100,000 new members in one week.

Forward this email to at least ONE friend and ask them to go to and sign up.

To keep track of our progress we will replace the standard counter on the front of with a counter showing the number of new members. You can help raise this number by forwarding this e-mail to a friend and sending them to where they can sign the ONE Declaration and start using their voice to end poverty.

Thanks to Idol Gives Back, over 30 million people learned about the ONE Campaign on Wednesday. One by one we’re growing, and making a difference, whether it is successfully pushing for billions of dollars of poverty fighting funding, or crucial trade reforms, we are winning. Keep up the amazing work.

American Idol Challenge