for W3c validation
I’m not sure how many readers of this blog are local to Seattle, but if you are, there is a happy hour event August 5th worth attending — at least IMO. SeaMo, short for Seattle Microfinance Organization, is putting on a “microbrews and microfinance” event next week at Pike Pub for those interested in learning more about microfinance.
Where: Pike Pub, 1415 First Avenu, Seattle, WA 98101
When: August 5th @ 5:45
Lea Werbal from the Grameen Foundation Technology Center will be a guest presenter. There’s a short background over at SeaMo —
A Program Officer at Grameen Foundation’s Technology Center, Lea Werbel oversees the Village Phone Assistance Center website, conducts outreach to microfinance institutions interested in Village Phone, and has logged many hours working to create a multiday training designed for organizations working to implement their own Village Phone programs. Prior to joining Grameen last June, Lea was a full-time masters student at the University of Washington focused on the intersection of communication and international development. Before coming to Seattle, she worked in both media outreach and fundraising at two large non-profits in New York City. During breaks between jobs she has lived in London, conducted research in Zambia, and volunteered at a community radio station in Ghana.
Of course, I couldn’t write a post about microfinance without plugging the microfinance blog my friend and I started a few months ago — Anyway, I hope to see you Seattle locals next week!
Update: Here’s the event on Facebook if you want to RSVP.