Published Date: October 7, 2008

Social Security:

McCain said that fixing social security is easy and he knows how to do it. Really? That’s funny — why the heck hasn’t anyone done anything in the last 30 years to fix it then? And note McCain has been an active figure in Washington DC for almost 30 years and nothing has been done. Explain that to me. Or at least explain how the problem is so easy and yet no one has come up with a workable solution.

Health care:

McCain thinks health care is a responsibility and Obama thinks it is a right in America. I’m going to disagree with both of them. Not that I don’t think health care SHOULD be a right, but let’s be realistic here. Whether or not you choose to believe it, access to affordable health care is a privilege in this world. With an estimated 2 billion people living on less than a dollar a day, health care is most certainly not a right worldwide. We are working, and should continue working, towards a point when access to health care is a fundamental human right. But we’re not there yet.

Foreign Policy:

McCain doesn’t think we should talk with our enemies. Obama does. Running the United States really is just like running a business and I think most business strategies can be successfully applied to politics. Furthering relations with other countries and signing up new allies takes the same tactics as finalizing a business development deal with a new partner. It’s obvious one of the tactics to closing deals is…TALKING.

This issue is dead simple — talk to your allies as well as your enemies. What happens if you don’t?


And that’s not acceptable.