Published Date: December 15, 2009

There aren’t many people I know that like being on camera, let alone are good at it. I’m in that boat; everytime I open my Zillow profile I try to navigate away from it as quickly as I can. It’s not so much that my video is bad — well, maybe it is — but I just don’t like watching myself on video. Why do I bring this up? I recently saw Casey Wilson’s interview on Bloomberg (and if you are reading this Casey – you did an AWESOME AWESOME job). Casey is the Co-Founder and CEO of Wokai, and younger than I am by a year or so, but I thought she nailed that interview. Here’s the clip:

I know for a fact I wouldn’t have been that poised, confident, and clear in my messaging if I was on Bloomberg. Even though reporters and public speakers often make it LOOK easy, the bottom line is that being on camera (and public speaking is general) is NOT easy. Not by a long shot; lots of work goes on behind the scenes to get comfortable in front of the camera. It takes lots of practice and preparation. For all young business folks reading this who want to get a leg up in your career, I’d highly recommend getting as much public speaking experience as possible as early as possible in your career. You’ll be so glad you did down the road when you are in a more senior role and find yourself having to speak in front of large audiences on a regular basis.