for W3c validation
Andrew Mattie of Diverse Solutions helped me a bit this evening with thinking through the next version of SeaMO this evening and we spent a bit of time experimenting with Pods (a plugin for WordPress) as part of that process.
Pods sits on top of WordPress and allows you to add and display your own content types and I have to say it’s an awesome piece of technology (from my understanding) that can accomplish a wide range of things. My coding skills are not quite good enough to know how to build something cool with it at the moment, but you can be certain I’ll be thinking about what that something cool may be over the coming days and weeks. Though I’m drawing a blank at the moment, I’m sure a cool real estate specific feature will pop into my head at some point soon. If you are a WordPress techie reading this, have you built anything awesome with Pods yet? If so, what did you build? If not, get busy!!