for W3c validation
This morning, I woke up around 3 am from being jet-lagged (just got back from Asia yesterday) and was going through emails and my feedreader when I saw some very cool news from my friend Sloane Berrent — she launched her new marketing and strategy consulting web site, Answer with Action. What is it?
ANSWER WITH ACTION is about taking big ideas and making them happen. Answer With Action is about inspiring you to take your small business, company or nonprofit to the next level. Answer With Action is about combining online tools with offline engagement and creating a robust conversation about you, your brand, your services, your products, and your events.
Answer With Action is a New Orleans-based integrated marketing, digital media and public relations consultancy. Create campaigns and events that have an immediate impact on your business and learn how building relationships online using new strategies and tools can transform the way you communicate with customers, vendors and donors. Answer With Action creates opportunities for you to learn, adopt and implement new media into your existing business. Answer With Action will help you build cause marketing campaigns to broaden your audience and create more depth and sincere story-telling into your current strategy. We provide short and long-term engagements with clients including website reviews, training sessions, webinars, and speaking opportunities to help your business go to the next level by understanding how your content is consumed and make it accessible to your target audience.
You can see the services offered here. The site is well designed, to the point, and speaks well to her brand. Sloane is one of the most passionate people I know, which I sense is probably the reason she’s so good at what she does and why I have no doubt her new consulting venture will be an raging success.
I’m so thrilled for Sloane for seeing this through. I emailed her a quick note early this morning, but thought I might as well go ahead and share the good news with a wider audience. So, CONGRATS!!