Published Date: July 19, 2010

Labron’s decision to go to the Heat with Wade and Bosh means he’ll never be in Jordan’s league no matter how many championships he gets because a) it’s DWade’s team and b) he’s playing with 2 other superstars. Here is what Jordan has to say about Labron’s decision (via ESPN):

“There’s no way, with hindsight, I would’ve ever called up Larry, called up Magic and said, ‘Hey, look, let’s get together and play on one team,’ ” Jordan said after playing in a celebrity golf tournament in Nevada. “But that’s … things are different. I can’t say that’s a bad thing. It’s an opportunity these kids have today. In all honesty, I was trying to beat those guys.”

Then, the best wanted to beat the best. Now, the best want to join the best and dominate the rest.