for W3c validation
I met two of the founders (Martina and Britta) at Zealyst last night at the Vitta’s 1,000 student summer bash celebration in Belltown. Here’s a short video that explains the service at a high level: is only in Seattle right now but plans to expand into other cities in time. I think this type of service, if executed correctly, has a real chance at succeeding in the long run. Any “networking” opportunity that puts me in front of a group of like minded individuals is valuable to me, and Zealyst seems extremely focused on putting the right strategy behind building a network for each individual. If someone takes the time to plan out events that help me build strong relationships with others who share numerous like interests, that’s certainly worth something.
What type of individuals would I have a lot in common with? Those who are passionate about what they do and addicted to travel, social entrepreneurship, microfinance, and tech/web/social media. Now, I’m waiting for an invite. Any minute now…