Published Date: December 8, 2011

Today’s biz ideas come from Nick Loper, founder of

  1. A Cloud-based Personal Shopping Service. An affiliate model that’s free for users, personal shoppers take home 75% of the earnings for their labor, and the company takes a 25% cut for facilitating. This is the natural evolution of Fancy Hands, VigLink, and Pinterest.
  2. Priceline for Ski Tickets. Just like hotels, incremental costs for the ski area are very low, so seems like a natural fit.
  3. The Most Results-Oriented Gym in the World. Only people serious about making a lifestyle change need apply. Members get personalized workout and diet plans that they must adhere to. They must create concrete goals and post them on facebook so friends keep them accountable. “Before” pictures taken on day 1. Members will not be allowed to fail, or the reputation of the business fails.
  4. Ringback Advertising. Build an advertising company to utilize the dead air before someone picks up a call. Normally you just hear ringing. Verizon and other companies sell “ringback” tones so sometimes you hear a song. Why not hear an ad instead and split the proceeds with the subscriber.
  5. A Site that Collects Business Ideas. A community forms and people who want to work together can begin to collaborate. Success stories add fuel to the fire.

Have 5 of your own money making ideas and want a link? Email 5 ideas to meyers.drew at gmail.