for W3c validation
Published Date: April 21, 2012
…is via their kids.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the following user scenarios happen all the time throughout homes across america (and the world):
- The under 30 crowd giving their parents a hard time for using “ancient” sites like MSN, AOL, Myspace, etc
- Baby boomers looking to their children for computer help and website recommendations
Or maybe that’s just my experience? But I don’t think so.
Want to build a brand that reaches the baby boomer crowd?
Certainly one available strategic route is to build a brand that reaches their kids while still solving the use cases they are trying to solve. If your product is good enough and is “cool” in the eyes of today’s youth, they are going to tell their parents about it. It’s just a matter of time.
This is exactly the strategy Facebook executed on.
[Photo via]