for W3c validation
There are lots of small business owners all over the world, in every vertical, that would benefit from talking to someone with a wealth of experience in their vertical. And they want to talk to that person right now. The alternative is to spend lots of time networking and finding people to talk to. Even then, the chances that the person they find will be a) knowledgeable and b) willing to speak to them and give strategic advice are pretty minimal.
Entrepreneurs and business owners already are paying for an introduction to these contacts — now they are paying for them in time rather than money.
I’d pay money to be able to get on the phone with someone extremely knowledgeable about startup law. Or human resources. Or the travel industry.
Additionally, it’ll be a good lead source for these experts to speak to more potential clients.
What it’ll take:
- Profile pages for the experts, and some way to prove they are trusted and knowledgeable
- Search interface to search areas of expertise, and see who is online right now and ready for a phone call
- Some way to collect payments
- Passion and tenacity
- Marketing chops to find both the experts and build a real brand consumers trust
Voomly, but specific to knowledgeable business experts.
Yes, I’m willing to pay for a connection with the right expert. Are you?
[Photo via]