for W3c validation
Published Date: September 27, 2006
I’ve gotta run to work, but I just found this comment on the BusinessWeek article “Is the U.S. Losing Its Competitive Edge?” that details how the US went from #1 to #6 in the World Economic Forums global competitiveness rankings and I totally agree-
Nickname: SocietyisTheProblemReview: People are always so quick to blame others for their own problems and in the U.S. we are the worst. Why is it that we spend so much money on education and healthcare and still rank low in these areas? Because we make bad choices! You cannot make laws that say “kids must study in school” or “parents must dicipine their children into studying” or “people must eat healthy.” These are choices that people make and they are the reason why things are slipping. So I dont want to hear anyone say we need bigger government involvement or more money poured into education or healthcare. All we need to do is return to the values of the WW2 generation and we will dominate these rankings once more.Date reviewed: Sep 27, 2006 1:12 PM