Published Date: August 16, 2006

Sure, I am fascinated with business and technology- particularly when you put them together. However, I am a strong supporter of philanthropy efforts that can really make a difference. I’m going to pick and choose my spots on this blog to promote ONE and other efforts I may undertake in the future, so don’t hate me for it. If you are going to read this blog, you will have to read my non-biz posts too– so you may as well enjoy them!

What does ONE aim to do/change?

“ONE aims to help Americans raise their voice as ONE against the emergency of AIDS and extreme poverty, so that decision makers will do more to save millions of lives in the poorest countries.”

Unlike many non-profits, ONE is asking for your VOICE, not your money. Even without donating money, you are not powerless to make a difference in the fight against poverty and aids. My friend and I have taken up the responsibility to spread awareness in Seattle by being moderators of the SeattleONE group. If you reside in Seattle, please join the effort.

Please join the campaign by taking action:

I applaud Yahoo for working with ONE to create a great new website for the campaign that was launched June 16. You can even add you picture to the main page via Flickr! At the time of this post, there were 2,391,022 people that had signed the Declaration. If even one person signs due to this post (hopefull a lot more), it was well worth the effort.