for W3c validation
I first came across Sloane Berrent a month or two ago on Twitter as a result of her tweeting about Kiva. Anyway, I’ve added her blog, The Causemopolitan, to my Google reader and read it when I have time. I read Sloane’s Day in the Life of a Kiva Fellow post today and came away extremely impressed with the use of voice in her writing. Here’s an excerpt:
5:30PM – Wrap up field visits and travel back to Branch. I’m emotionally exhausted from the day. The women open up to me about their lives and their lives haven’t always been great. When I see tears welling in their eyes telling me how much microfinance and the opportunity to have a business means to them, what the women in their Center mean to them, how their lives are different, it’s enough to shake you to your core. Or if I’ve found out a women didn’t use her loan the way she was supposed to, I’m exhausted from pushing for the truth.
She hooked me with the way her voice, feelings, and personality came through in the post (not just this excerpt, but the whole thing). I tend to gravitate toward reading bloggers who are passionate and intelligent. It’s apparent Sloane is both, so her blog will now get some more love amidst the noise in my reader.
I’ve said this to many people before, but if there is no voice in a blog, why the heck should I bother to read it? I can read information anywhere; a great voice can — and does — distinguish you from the rest.
Update: I also read this post and this one tonight. Both with extremely strong voice.