for W3c validation
I’m happy to say that I’m spearheading the Housing for Homeless Initiative that will accompany the Seattle RE BarCamp on September 8th. Proceeds will benefit Solid Ground, which is a local Seattle charity.
I am SO glad that Ginger Wilcox got this train started with the fundraiser in San Francisco. Not utilizing the RE BarCamp community to create real change just didn’t sit well with her and she decided to act; nor would it have sat well with me if the Seattle event went over without a fundraiser behind it. For those organizing a RE BarCamp event in your area, please be a “doer” — there aren’t near enough of them in this world. If you need help getting it up and running, ASK. But be prepared to act on it.
Head over to the RE BarCamp blog for more details about the Seattle fundraiser and how you can help!