for W3c validation
Are you curious what large corporations are doing in the blogging world? Do they have CEO blogs, corporate blogs, or not even know what a blog is? Well, there is now a Wiki that Blog Business Summit set up that aims to act as a comprehensive resource for information on blogging among large multi-national corporations. The project is being organized by Teresa Valdez Klein of Blog Business Summit and Easton Ellsworth from Know More Media. See Easton’s announcement post here and Teresa’s post here. The goal of the project “is to examine and evaluate corporate blogs by Fortune 500 companies – how many blogs each company has, how effectively it uses its blogs and responds to other blogs, etc.”
If you’re a blogger, this is for you. Teresa mentions that “this project is by bloggers and for bloggers. All the research will be done by people who are interested in the exciting world of business blogging. All the content will belong to the individual bloggers who do the research.” If you would like to participate, it works like this:
- A blogger signs up on the wiki.
- The blogger begins researching a company and posts his or her findings on his or her own blog example posts can be found here and here.
- The blogger then copies the first 50-75 words of his or her post into the wiki with a link to their complete post about the company.
- More bloggers join in until all Fortune 500 companies have been researched.
I’m super excited to learn from the “crowd” on this one. It would be impossible (or take a LOT of time) for one blogger to put this all together, but by crowdsourcing the work, it shouldn’t be too painful for any one person. Everyone that participates will have a chance to connect with other people who are passionate about business blogging. I’ll be participating by doing reviews of several Fortune 500 companies that strike my interest- Dell being the 1st one I tackle. What are you waiting for? Go check it out….and if you’re a blogger interested in business blogging, sign up for companies you are interested in learning about!
Also, if you are a designer and would like to provide a logo for the wiki, please let me know by leaving a comment and I’ll follow up with you. You’ll get attribution for your work in addition to helping us out on this great project.