Published Date: December 29, 2006

My friend and I were conversing via IM the other night and we got to talking about motivation and inspiration — what’s the difference anyway? There are many similarities between inspiration and motivatation, but the terms appear to be a bit different. First of all, the main similarity is that they both compel someone to take action (most likely), in some form or another. defines inspire as “to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence” and motivate as “to provide with a motive or motives; incite; impel.”

The difference is in the “why” you are compelled to take action. Money can and does motivate people. As does fear, advancement, security, and a job. Inspiration comes from something greater than yourself — I really don’t think it’s possible to inspire yourself. Inspiration is a form of motivation, but motivation is not ALWAYS a form of inspiration (but can be). Afterall, I would strongly argue that someone working 80 hours a week just to make enough money to pay their rent, credit card payments, and health insurance is not necessarily inspired, though they are obviously motivated. Inspiration, not motivation, is what allows people to achieve greatness.

Photo courtesy of Shirley’s Wellness Cafe

So, do the same things both inspire and motivate you? What inspires you? A leader? A cause? Improving the world?

What do you think the real difference is?