for W3c validation
Maybe I’m just rambling…but I think the answer is yes and have a business idea for some web-savy entrepreneur out there. There have been numerous aggregation sites focused on blog POSTS that have popped up over the past two years, such as Digg, Reddit, and RealEstateVoices. However, what about an aggregation site focused on BLOGS? Maybe I’m in the minority as a pretty avid blog reader, but the truly great bloggers like Guy Kawasaki and Fred Wilson tend to write great posts again and again that relate to a specific topic. Therefore, I value finding great blogs to add to my RSS reader rather than great individual blog posts (I very rarely use digg or reddit). There aren’t any great resources to help me find the best blogs in a given category (that I know about).
Take the category of Political blogs as an example. If I wanted to find a well-written political blog to start following — where would I go first? Probably Google Blog Search and do a search for political. That brings me to the screen shot below that does little to help me wade through political blogs.
Without clicking through and reading numerous political blogs, there seems to be no effective way to find blogs that others deem to be well-written & relevant. I haven’t seen a site that acts as a “TV Guide for Blogs” that includes blog reviews/ratings in every category. Many people are lazy and won’t even bother trying to find the best blogs because it seems too hard (time-consuming). There are new blog readers joining the blogosphere everyday, many of them who don’t have the patience to sort through the blogosphere’s vast content…someone help them find the good stuff. Maybe if a well known blog directory existed that served as a blog discovery mechanism, more everyday consumers would “tune-in” to blogs as a source of entertainment and/or news.
Why isn’t Technorati doing this? Or perhaps my favorite web 2 company, MyBlogLog, can do something in this space. If someone has already built a BLOG review site and I’m just not aware of it, someone please let me know.