Published Date: October 16, 2011

My buddy and I just drove from San Francisco to Fresno yesterday and then back today. The event? The Fresno County Fair, and seeing my friend’s wife’s family. Anyway, we brainstormed a few idea for sweet tshirts and wooden engravings on the car after we saw a t-shirt at the fair titled “This is my drinking shirt. I wear it everyday”. Here are a few of our ideas:


  • Drink. Sit. Drink Some More.
  • Old English Monday = Heaven
  • The 20’s = Drunken Wasteland
  • The Perfect Cocktail? Vodka + Vodka = Blackout

Engravings (for a door):

  • Drinking is kinda my thing
  • Beer makes this house a home
  • Got booze? If no, leave now

What tshirt or engraving slogans would you like to own?