for W3c validation
Yes, gas prices have risen 60 cents since late January – so what? Get over it. A gallon of gas used to cost $1. Now it is $3. There is no one to blame but yourself that you drive a massive SUV that gets 15 miles per gallon. There are numerous cars that get 35 miles per gallon – why don’t you drive one of those? You want a solution to rising prices at the pump? Quit complaining, buy a Hybrid, use mass transit, move closer to work, carpool, or just don’t drive so much. I know I’m in the minority on this one — but if anything, I think gas should cost more, not less. I think it’s the only way to force people to change their oil consumption habits. What this country really needs is better mass transit and for people to realize they don’t need to drive everywhere.
Update: I’m referring to gas prices in the United States, not abroad. Also, I should have clarified that this price increase should be mandated by the US government via an increased tax. The increased funding should go directly into public transit systems.