Published Date: February 16, 2012

What’s the first thing you do when you click onto a new blog after landing on it from a random link, Google, or Facebook — or was recommended to read it by a friend?

Click the “About” link!

Well, that’s what I do.

Why? Because I want to know WHO is behind that blog. What’s their story? What do they do? Why do they do what they do? What hobbies do they have? Etc..

Your about page is the best way to START the process of connecting with your readers in some way.

And I’ll be honest — my about page SUCKS. At least until yesterday it did.

Given how much of a proponent I’ve been for having a strong voice in your writing, I decided to eat my own words and totally revamp my about page. You can see my previous version here.

The difference is night and day.

The old one was written in the 3rd person and was littered with professional accomplishments. Bland. Voiceless. Boring.

The new one is in the 1st person. Personal. Honest. Colorful. It gives you insight into where I come from, what makes me tick, and my future aspirations.

What’s your about page look like? When was the last time you updated it?

And it goes without saying, I’d LOVE your feedback on my new one. Does it accurately portray who I am (for those who know me IRL)? Let me know!

**Photo via