Published Date: April 29, 2007


This morning, I met with Cliff and Mark, two UW Bothell entrepreneurs working on The site is aiming to be an online classifieds destinations for anyone selling technology related items — used servers, an iPod, graphics cards, an external hard drive, etc. They certainly have lots of challenges ahead of them in the very competitive web 2.0 space, but anything is possible if you are passionate. We spoke quite extensively about social media and how a small business can use it to their advantage, since an obvious barrier that any web startup faces is attracting an audience (cheaply). I think one or both of them will be starting a blog this week to become more entrenched in the web 2.0 space (where seemingly everyone is blogging). Some initial feedback of mine to improve the site:

  • Put a big search box on the main page. The user should immediately be given a call to action.
  • Focus on building tools for sellers
  • Don’t have the login & register links in the middle of the main page
  • Have a story for the Zeebits name (I forgot to ask them, so maybe one of them will leave a comment with the story at how the name Zeebits was born)
  • Get mentioned in TechCrunch or Startup Meme or GigaOm

What do you think? Is there enough of a market for a technology-focused classifieds site? What do they need to do to attract Craigslist users? I’m sure they would love some feedback (or you can just leave a comment & I’m sure they’ll read it here).