for W3c validation
I’ve long been a believer that business ideas are (almost) worthless. You may have the greatest business idea on the planet — but if you can’t execute on it? It’s worth damn near nothing. Zilch. Nada.
Being the entrepreneur that I am, I seem to think of business ideas on an almost daily basis; most of which I’ll never work on. Where to share them so someone can potentially put them into motion?
Nick Loper (who I went to middle school with) and I started the site a few months ago because we both have a number of business ideas we’re never going to act on and no where to share them. So we decided to build a resource of quality, thought out business ideas — with your help — and leave the hard part (execution) of business to you.
Want to start your own business, but don’t know what problem to tackle? There are some good ideas posted already, including a travel date match making service, backpacker timeshare service and mobile laundry service.
Have a business idea to share?
We’ll post any legitimate, or quirky, business idea with a link to your website in the author profile section. Alternatively, you may remain anonymous if you wish. Have a business idea to share? Send me an e-mail with your idea to me at
Now, go start a business!