Published Date: July 23, 2007

I’ll be at the Naked Truth (along with several other Zillow employees) tomorrow night in Capitol Hill, an event put on by Madrona Venture Group and Redfin aiming to connect entrepreneurs with journalists. They’ll be some big names for the panel discussion to kick it off — Rebecca Buckman from the Wall Street Journal, Fred Vogelstein from Wired, TechCrunch’s Michael Arrington, John Cook from the Seattle PI, and Tricia Duryee from the Seattle Times.

The details:

When: Tuesday, July 24, 2007. The panel starts at 5:30, the party starts at 6:30.
Where: The Havana Social Club, 1010 East Pike Street, Seattle
Who: every entrepreneur, dreamer, procastinator, narcissist, coder, starter, joiner, flim-flam man, gonzo PR guy, bigshot, littleshot and networking twizzler in town… please come!

See you there! There’s more details on the wiki.