Published Date: December 19, 2013

I had lunch today with my Year Up mentee, and one of the things we discussed a bit was social media. Specifically Twitter, and how I use it. Unlike many people who use it almost exclusively for getting news and for sharing their own news with others, I use Twitter to keep in touch with people.

Obviously the best way to learn any tool is to watch those who are using it successfully already. Here are a few people I recommend every Year Up student follow (figured might as well make this a blog post rather than just send the list via email):

Spencer Rascoff – Zillow’s CEO (& co-founder of Hotwire). I learned a great deal working in the marketing team under Spencer’s guidance at Zillow from 2005-2010. Easily the hardest working person I know. Frankly, I’m still not sure how he finds time for Twitter on top of his crazy schedule.

Rich Barton – Zillow co-founder & Chairman (& board member at Year Up). Few in Seattle are more respected than Rich. A big big strategic thinker & visionary who has multiple home runs under his belt (Expedia, Zillow). His blog is at (currently under construction).

Sloane Davidson – She runs the Causemopolitan from NYC, and helps inspire people to live cause-filled lives. We’ve known each other since she was a Kiva fellow in 2009. Understands networking like few I’ve ever met.

Jeff Turner – There are few people I respect more than Turner (hence the reason he’s a mentor of mine). Partner at RealSatisfied, and can find his writing here.

Marc Davison – one of the smartest and most creative people I know. Partner at 1000watt Consulting.

Jodi Ettenberg – the master of curation, travel, and FOOD! Met her while I was living in Chiang Mai in 2012, and there are few people I adore more. Legal Nomads is her home.

Shannon O’Donnell – few people have hearts bigger than Shannon. Well known in the volunteer travel circles. Another Chiang Mai connection. Find her writing at A Little Adrift.

William MougayarCurator of all things related to tech startups.

Fred Wilson – A venture capitalist in NYC. He doesn’t Tweet a lot, but he runs the best blog ( on the entire internet.