for W3c validation
- Start a social business and grow it to over 10 million in yearly revenue
- Live in Spain for at least 3 months and (re)learn Spanish
Get certified diving – done January 2012
Buy a one way plane ticket – done December 2011
- Live in New York City for at least 6 months
- Go bungee jumping
Zip lining – done March 27
- Sky diving
- Visit South Africa
- Build a school in a developing country
Go to Burning Man – done 2012
- Meet and marry the love of my life
- Go to Hong Kong Sevens (again)
- Learn to sail
Learn to cook amazing Thai food – done February 2012
- Take the trans-Siberian railroad from Asia to Europe
- Go to the airport, look up at the departure board, and randomly choose a flight and buy it on the spot — and leave that day
Live in South America for at least 3 months – Argentina, Chile, or Brazil most likely — done 2014-2015 in Chile
- Take a company from startup to IPO
- Social Venture Capital — Help social entrepreneurs make their dreams reality with both funding and mentoring
Hang out with real Tigers – done February 2012
Zip lining – done April 2012
- Learn Yoga
- Visit 100 countries
- Live in the mountains for at 2-3 months and spend my time writing (most likely at Trinity in Washington)
- Mardi Gras in New Orleans
- Carnival in Rio
- Go to a World Cup
Read more about me here.