for W3c validation
Don’t get me wrong, I love facebook just as much as everyone else my age. However, the system does have a large problem that is a result of designing this platform for Generation Y.
Facebook doesn’t do well to different types of contacts. College kids (who were who the site was built for initally) don’t have separate networks of contacts to keep in touch with that prior generations do. Two years into the working world, it’s very clear to me that both my professional network and my network of friends are extremely important to keep in touch with, but keeping in touch means different things depending on the network.
Facebook’s newsfeed is a great way to quickly get a grasp on what’s happening in my network (at least online). But my newsfeed is almost useless now because of all the business connections (mainly real estate bloggers) I’ve added recently. The fact that most of them are “geeky” and are quite active on FB just adds to the noise. I’m not saying that I don’t value their relationships (I do), but their relationships are different from close friends who I keep in touch with. I don’t really need to know everything a real estate blogger in Florida does the day it happens. However, I do care to keep up with my friends who live in Seattle on a daily basis.
I essentially want separate “networks” — one for my friends, one for family, and one for business. What I really want is separate feeds for each of those networks. It seems like it shouldn’t be too challenging — just give me a way to put people into groups & give me a newsfeed for each group. Hopefully, Facebook is working feverishy to solve this problem.