for W3c validation
Surrounding yourself with passionate people is important — both in life and in business.
Though I do firmly believe in the vision of Zillow, I wouldn’t be at Zillow if it weren’t for all the fantastic colleagues I get to work with — it was the team that attracted me. I’ve heard both Rich and Lloyd (co-founders of Zillow), both of whom have considerable business experience, drill home the “surround yourself with passionate people” theme several times. I can confidently say they (props to our recruiting team too) are doing a great job of attracting a fantastic team; I’m blown away with the passion and skill of the vast, vast majority of employees I’ve worked with over the past two years. So, if you haven’t surrounded yourself with passionate people, go find them — it’s like night and day whem compared to people who aren’t passionate about anything. Don’t be freaked out by passion.
For some thoughts on inspiration, head over to Realtor Genius and read Quit Yer Yarping & Talk Solutions Already – Raise My Bar by Raising Yours. I stated in the comments that what inspires me is “Helping others educate themselves and improve their business/life in the process. Along the same lines — micro finance, which you’ll see me blogging more about in the future on my own blog.”
And yes, you will start seeing some more microfinance content from me over the next couple months.