Published Date: April 8, 2008

I think I have a pretty good sense of what I want to accomplish in life, but my question is this —

Do I need to be setting specific short term goals to accomplish my goals?

Of course I could be wrong, but at this point in my life, my personal philosophy is that setting short term goals is not a “hard” requirement to achieving my goals. Sure, I do set short term goals from time to time (both in life and work), but I think the big picture is much more important overall. If I know where I want to get to and what I want to achieve, I can’t help but have a huge amount of confidence I’ll figure out how to get there.

So, do you think Michael Jordan had specific goals for each game — or do you think he just had the long-term goal of winning championships and being considered the greatest NBA player in history? Did Barry Bonds have a goal of hitting a home run every 3 games (or whatever the specific stat is) throughout his career to pass Hank Aaron?

Of course, I don’t know Michael Jordan or Barry Bonds, so I don’t have the answer to those questions. But if you do know them, or at least have a theory you want to share about the best way to achieve your goals, feel free to leave a comment.