Published Date: March 1, 2010

As some of you know, my drive to Portland today marked the 1st day of my 5-6 week roadtrip around the US. As part of this roadtrip, I’m helping the team at Vittana generate some awareness for their “March Micro Madness” campaign. Of course, I’ll be doing this with social media, but I’ll also be putting a giant Vittana logo on my Honda Civic (that’s still in process, but will post a photo once I have the decal) in the hopes of generating some awareness simply by driving around the country. To start the trip off right, Dale Chumbley (@dalechumbley) has helped me (err, he has done everything actually) organize a tweetup for tomorrow night in Portland! Here are the details:

What: Gathering with like-minded individuals (aka those Geeks who use Twitter). Who knows, maybe we’ll even get a few people — like my Aunt Loma, a photographer in Portland — who don’t use Twitter to join the group 🙂

When: Tuesday, March 2nd at 6:30 pm

Where: Madison’s Grill (1109 SE Madison, Portland, Oregon)

Why: Umm…why not is the better question…

After Portland, the next stop is San Francisco — actually, probably, Eugene for 1 night on the way for the UW-Oregon game — and we’re currently in the midst of organizing a tweetup on Friday evening. The founder of Vittana, Kushal Chakrabarti, will also be in San Francisco with me Friday evening for the Tweetup — details to come soon!!

Again, a special thanks to Dale for getting this organized so quickly (I called him today on the drive up and within 3 hours he had tweeted the details)! We hope to see those from Portland tomorrow!