Published Date: October 22, 2010

It’s now official — after essentially traveling nonstop since March, I’m headed back in the United States for a stint at the end of November after my trip to Ghana. I just purchased a ticket from Accra to Washington DC (I’m actually on the same flight back to the US as Sloane and Taylor are) on November 21st. My buddy Dan and I were planning to visit South Africa for a month & make pay David Gibbons a visit, but tickets from Accra to SA are more than $1,300 and we’re both running a little lower on funds than we’d like — so we both want to hunker down and sort out our finances prior to the new year. I fly into DC (Dan’s going to Austria) and may end up staying there for a bit since one of my best college buddies lives in Adam’s Morgan, or I may fly straight back to Seattle for Thanksgiving; I just had to buy a ticket out of Accra today since we need flight itinerary in and out of the country printed off in order to get an entry VISA upon arrival (hopefully they let us in!).

So stateside here I come — I sense a bit of domestic travel coming on in the coming months…