for W3c validation
Let’s face it – Scottie Pippen is the best defensive forward the NBA has seen since I was born (1982).
In his Hall of Fame speech, Dennis Rodman said that Jordan and Pippen were the best 1-2 duo ever to play the game. And he played in an amazingly talented era. Better than Isiah and Joe Dumars, Hakeen and Clyde, and Robinson and Duncan. Better than Magic and Kareem, Bird and McHale, or Barkley and KJ. Granted, we all know Jordan is the greatest player this game has ever seen (way better than Kobe for sure) — and that’s why I think Pippen is so underrated; because he played alongside the greatest player on the planet. Sadly, with him playing side by side with Jordan during his prime, we’ll never know what he was capable of offensively if he was the focal point of an offense. That said, when Jordan retired the 1st time in 1993, Pippen averaged 22 points, 8.7 boards, and 5.6 assists per game in the process to leading the Bulls to the Eastern Conference Semi-Finals. When you look at their roster, there was no way they should have been able to compete with the Knicks yet they lasted 7 games — largely due to Pippen’s play.
Scottie single handedly dominated games defensively throughout his career. His long arms disrupted passing lane and blocked shots no other forward could touch. Pippen was quick enough to shut down point guards such as John Stockton and Gary Payton yet strong enough to handle the likes of Charles Barkley and Patrick Ewing in the paint. He understood passing lanes and angles better than anyone. A 8 time all-defensive first team selection, there simply has never been a better defensive forward I’ve seen play. A large reason he was so good? He had to play against Michael Jordan day in, day out in practice.
I am a bit biased on this — I can truthfully say that Pippen was my favorite player in the NBA growing up. I don’t know what it was about him, but I loved his overall court savviness and dominance on the defensive end. Lastly, being the Seattle native that I am, the Pippen-Olden Polynice trade in 1987 was an epic fail for the city of Seattle. Can you imagine GP, Pippen, and Kemp all on the same team in the mid 90’s? That would have been a dynamite team.
So, do you agree? Is Pippen the best defensive forward in the last 30 years? Who else would you compare him too? Grant Hill (before his injuries)? Dennis Rodman? Bruce Bowen?