Published Date: October 18, 2006



One of my first “field trips” during my internship for Venture All Stars two years ago was a tour of Seattle Biodiesel’s seattle manufacturing plant. On that trip, I got the chance to meet Martin Tobias, who serves as a Venture Partner with Ignition Partners in addition to serving as CEO of Imperium Renewables (expansion of Seattle Biodiesel), a national leader in next generation biodiesel refining and manufacturing technology. During the tour, I was very impressed with his presence and insights into the biodiesel market and opportunity. To learn more about him- check his blog.

The reason I got to thinking about him is this- I was reading my Entrepreneur magazine that I received in the mail yesterday and came across a “Savvy Spending” article highlighting Tobias’ work with Imperium Renewables. The company has $10 million in venture backing. Being super connected, he certainly has no trouble generating PR for his company…he was in Business 2.0 a couple months ago.

The Entrepreneur article concludes with a quote from Martin-

If we continue to execute the way we think we can, I would expect us to control 30 percent to 40 percent [of the U.S. biodiesel market] by 2009.

I think Imperium Renewables is certainly a biodiesel company poised to take off under Martin’s leadership. With gas prices high and the continued increase in being environmentally friendly, biodiesel use can’t go anywhere but up. If you’re reading Martin- good luck going forward!