Published Date: May 12, 2010

I’ve called the Seattle area home for 27 years, but all — or most — good things come to an end at some point in time. If you read this blog, you know I just went to Asia for two weeks and am planning to travel for much of 2010. What’s next on the world tour?

On Friday morning, a friend and I fly to San Francisco for the Bay to Breakers. Last year, 3 friends and I went for the weekend and it was by far and away the best time I had all year with the exception of my time in Europe. This year, it’s Bay to Breakers ROUND 2 — and I’m STOKED. If you are in the Bay Area and attending Bay to Breakers and see a group of “Mariners” roaming the streets, there is a 99% chance I’ll be in that group unless I’ve somehow wandered away from the goup (which is entirely possible).

Following a weekend in San Fran, my friend and I head off to Santorini, Greece bright and early Monday morning for a 3 month stint hanging out on the beaches with 3 other friends. I’ll still be working, but from halfway around the world with a 10 hour time difference. My work will be done lounging on beautiful beaches and hanging at internet cafes — with the occasional drink in between. There is no real plan. We don’t have a place to stay and are planning to just “wing it”, which if you know me well, is totally my flavor of travel.

If anyone wants to come visit Greece this summer, let me know — visitors are more than welcome!

I’m fortunate to be blessed with an absolutely incredible group of friends in Seattle and I’ll miss them all immensely, but it’s time to move on. So I guess this is my “farewell Seattle” post in a way. Thanks for all the memories Seattle; it’s been real.