Published Date: December 10, 2006

Geez…MyBlogLog is making all the right moves! I haven’t kept up to date with tech blogs I usually read since Zillow’s Wednesday release, but I just checked TechCrunch and found that MyBlogLog launched support for myspace profiles, which should grow their audience/reach considerably. I do have a myspace profile, but don’t really use the site that much–the experience is just too crappy. However, there are roughly 100 million users using it and people DO want the ability to view who is looking at your profile as this comment mentions. I wonder what approach MyBlogLog will take to raise awareness in the myspace community? As much as I hate to say it, my suggestion to rapidly raise awareness would be to target good looking girls and focus on getting them to place the widget on their profile. Guys don’t really look at other guys’ profiles. The myspace super-users browse around and look for hot girls–so by reaching them you reach all the guys using the myspace. It should still be noted that I believe a useful widget will spread via word of mouth VERY quickly…so I’m guessing mybloglog will continue their organic expansion strategy.

I feel like an idiot for not seeing the opportunity Steve Poland points out in the TechCrunch post–mybloglog on every site on the web. I’m guessing the MyBlogLog folks weren’t thinking about hitting sites like the NY Times,, and ESPN since their company name strongly caters to blogs. But seriously, don’t you wish there was a way to interact with others reading the same articles online that you are reading? MyBlogLog could get there…