Published Date: January 21, 2008

It’s been quite some time since I’ve mentioned MyBlogLog on my blog, but they are still one of my favorite web 2.0 companies that I use daily as a blogger to track where my traffic is coming from. And the latest news from them? An API!!

The API, currently in private beta, is said to include:

  • User IDs for recent visitors to a site with MyBlogLog on it.
  • Those users’ contacts on MyBlogLog
  • User IDs on other sites they’ve tied themselves to, like Twitter,, Flickr and many, many more.

Once you’ve got access to that information, it should be relatively trivial to access another layer of information that includes:

  • The ages, genders and locations for site visitors who have exposed that information to MyBlogLog
  • The interests all around the web of visitors to a particular site, as exhibited by their tags on sites like and Flickr
  • The other sites commonly visited by said users.

There are all sorts of implications of a MyBlogLog API once its out of private Beta — the fact that anyone will be able to pull data from them could make them the central identity system for bloggers across the web. Personally, I’d love MyBlogLog to add the functionality that CoComment has — which should be fairly easily do-able with the new API. What mashups with MBL would you like to see?