9 years ago
When Money Becomes Not Real
I watched the following TEDx talk by Adam Carroll this morning. The topic? Money when it’s not “real”. Cash is tangible. You can hold it. If you spend it, you don’t have it…
Read more9 years ago
I watched the following TEDx talk by Adam Carroll this morning. The topic? Money when it’s not “real”. Cash is tangible. You can hold it. If you spend it, you don’t have it…
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I read GothamGal’s post this morning about the 7 words you would use to describe yourself. For me? How about… Loyal, driven, passionate, honest, travel-obsessed, community-minded, curious. What about for you?
Read more10 years ago
From Wikipedia: Empathy is the capacity to understand what another person is experiencing from within the other person’s frame of reference, ie, the capacity to place oneself in another’s shoes From my…
Read more10 years ago
If so, you’re wasting your time on shit that doesn’t matter. There are far better things to do with your life than worry about other people’s drama. [via The One Effect]
Read more11 years ago
I was just going through the sign up process of Poachable to see how they approach the user experience, given there are some high level similarities between hidden inventory of employees that are…
Read more11 years ago
I wrote about Fatdoor’s recent announcement they are relaunching social networks for neighborhoods, with shared robots as a part of the offering. Since then, I’ve engaged in a 45 minute talk with…
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