How has traveling impacted your compassion and acceptance for others?

11 years ago

Question number 4… How has traveling impacted your compassion and acceptance for others? Yes. When you see the way the vast majority of the world lives, it’s hard if not impossible to…

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Has traveling expanded your education?

11 years ago

Question number 3… Has traveling expanded your education? Does it affect your thirst for knowledge? In what ways? Absolutely. I’m a more intelligent human being as a result of traveling. I’m curious…

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What kinds of food have you experienced?

12 years ago

The 2nd question from the high school research project questions… What kinds of food have you experienced? All kinds. Truthfully, I’m not a huge foodie. I can tell the difference between crappy…

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The Truth About Changing

12 years ago

The life of a traveler is a lifestyle that not everyone understands. I can relate to the quote/photo my Uncle Ron posted to Facebook yesterday…and I’m guessing many of the travelers reading…

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How was traveling affected your openness to other cultures, politics and events?

12 years ago

I got an email recently from a senior in high school (in Newark, Illinois) doing a research project on the topic of traveling and the effect that experiencing different cultures has on a…

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A Quote from Kiva’s Premal Shah at SOCAP

12 years ago

I simply love this quote from Premal Shah at… If everything you do, you do for yourself, then when you die it all disappears. If everything you do, you do for…

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