On Demand Business Advice Marketplace for Entrepreneurs

12 years ago

There are lots of small business owners all over the world, in every vertical, that would benefit from talking to someone with a wealth of experience in their vertical. And they want…

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A SIMPLE Web Services Payment System

13 years ago

Subscriptions are a pain to pay for, yet they are an amazing source of repeat revenue for organizations. Things like ESPN Insider, a web host like dreamhost, NYT premium, etc. Even though…

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DVD Rentals – from Your Neighbors

13 years ago

You’ve probably heard of ZipCar. But you probably haven’t heard of GetAround, a startup in San Francisco my friend Jon Sterling showed me over coffee a few weeks ago. The difference between…

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How Facebook Could Single Handedly Wipe out the Online Dating Competition

13 years ago

I firmly believe Facebook could wipe out the online dating competition (eharmony, chemistry.com, match.com, etc) by adding a single field to their database (or maybe a couple from a technical perspective). On…

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A Really Really Niche Business Idea (for Old Website Companies)

13 years ago

Remember Geocities? Remember Tripod? I had websites on both of those sites back in the day — circa 1994 or 1995 I’d guess. If they can retrieve those websites in their entirety…

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“Travel Date” Match Making Service

13 years ago

If you’ve traveled by yourself, it’s all but inevitable you’ve gone on a “travel date” at some point during your travels. Unless you are a total hermit and stay in your room…

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