Published Date: May 17, 2007

This is a little late, but Guy Kawasaki posted a great blog interview with Richard Stearns from World Vision. In particular, I found the following comment refreshing — someone who ditched a 7 figure salary to join the non-profit world:

Question: You had a nearly seven-figure salary, a corporate Jaguar, moved and took a seventy-five percent cut in pay. Why did you leave the corporate sector in 1998 after twenty-three years to run an international Christian humanitarian organization?
Answer: It wasn’t something I planned. At the time, I didn’t even want the job. I had been a donor to World Vision for fifteen years when, through a long series of circumstances, I was approached by World Vision, interviewed and offered the position. As a committed Christian, I felt I couldn’t say no. When God gives you an opportunity to serve, you obey. I had “talked the talk” of being a Christian for many years, now I needed to “walk the walk.” It has turned out to be the greatest privilege of my life to serve the poorest of the poor in Christ’s name.

Head on over and check out the rest.