Published Date: April 21, 2012

It still hasn’t quite sunk in that after spending the last 4 months in Southeast Asia, I’ll be back in the United States on May 17th. That’s less than a month from today. I had no intention of wandering back to the states until late this coming fall at the earliest, but life has a way.of throwing unexpected surprises at you. The surprise this time was, for the fourth year in a row, San Francisco and Bay to Breakers is calling my name.

Literally, my entire group of close college friends are all making the trip to the San Francisco for Bay to Breakers this year. One of the beauties of living out of a backpack is that anywhere in the world is just a plane ride (and a wad of cash) away. A one way ticket from Manila to San Francisco for $800? Sure, why not? While I met some amazing new friends (Shannon O’Donnell, Will Moyer, Monica McCarthy, Jodi Ettenberg, Ian Ord to name a few) during the course of my stay in Chiang Mai — nothing beats a weekend with old college friends to reminisce about old stories and create a few new ones in the process.

I’m not quite sure whether I’m looking forward to returning or not. I guess I’ll find out when I get there. All I know is that Bay to Breakers is going to be epic — for the fourth straight year.

Our group dressed up as ninjas last year. Boom!

Costume ideas anyone?