for W3c validation
We all know serendipity is amazing.
As some of you may know, I’m on a east coast business trip that has already spanned Boston and New York City, with the next stop being Philadelphia and Washington DC. There have been a few serendipitous components to the trip, and some missed serendipity.
1. My best friend in the world happened to be in Boston the same weekend I was. As a result, I got to hang out with her for two days which was of course a huge unexpected bonus (who doesn’t like hanging out with their best friend?). Yet if that scenario were to happen to anyone outside of my 4 or 5 closest friends, we likely never would have realized we were to be in the same city at the same time. I trade emails and texts with my close friends all the time. Not so with everyone in my network — even though I’d love to spend time with many of my more distant friends in another city.
2. On the bus to the airport in Boston to pick up my friend, I saw a girl at the back of the bus who looked almost exactly like one of my close friends from high school. Since I couldn’t quite be sure from the front of the bus and didn’t want to make a scene by approaching her all the way from the other end, I texted my old high school friend who now lives in Los Angeles, “Are you in Boston right now?” I got a text a few minutes later that said, “Nope, but will be in NYC on Sunday.” Holy crap I thought — that’s crazy, since I was headed to New York on Monday. Turns out we didn’t end up meeting up since she was just in and out for a client meeting, but we tried.
3. A fraternity brother of mine, who I last saw in Santorini in the summer of 2010, was in Boston for the weekend as well. We randomly saw that we were both going to be in Boston ahead of time based on random Facebook status updates and planned to meet up. We both completely spaced and missed each other.
More on serendipity to come…