for W3c validation is pleased to be a sponsoring partner for the Month of Microfinance – which takes place throughout the month of April.
What exactly is Month of Microfinance?
WHAT: Month of Educational, Awareness and Fundraising events for Client-Centered Microfinance
WHEN: April 1 – April 30, 2013
WHERE: Everywhere
WHY: We are a low-budget (correct that, no-budget) grassroots movement of student organizations with a passion for microfinance and an intense commitment to learning.
HOW: Take 3 Steps
We’ll be posting a couple more times about the initiative in the coming weeks. Learn more about it here.
Update 4/16: To help us achieve our goal of bringing microfinance advocates together in person:
- Sign up
- Check in to your current city
- Fill in a few details in your profile
- Take a look at other microfinance advocates here (the nearest ones at the top of the list
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