for W3c validation
If you’re a regular reader, you may know that I’ve battled with finding an efficient way to connect with other microfinance advocates all over the globe during the course of my extensive travels the last few years. Regular readers likely also know I’ve been working on a startup for the last year (Oh Hey World). Those of you who know me probably won’t be surprised to know that there is a microfinance angle to Oh Hey World. The angle is of course directly tied to the pain point I’ve had…
Organizing the global microfinance community by geography.
It’s extremely powerful to bring together a large group with shared passions online, but exponentially more powerful to bring together people in person. Which microfinance advocates are in Beijing right now? Barcelona? Chiang Mai? Capetown? Seattle? As a sponsoring partner for Month of Microfinance, Oh Hey World will serve as the technology platform to answer those questions. We’re focused on seeding the site with microfinance advocates ahead of time, so as to maximize the chances people find another microfinance advocate nearby when they login once Month of Microfinance starts April 1st — so if organizing the world’s microfinance community by geography sounds like a worth endeavor and are willing to spend 2 minutes to help, you can email me at with the subject line “microfinance”.
Update: To help us achieve our goal of bringing microfinance advocates together in person:
- Sign up for the beta
- Take a look at other microfinance advocates here.
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