Published Date: July 29, 2013

Today we’re talking to Valentin Dombrovsky, the founder of Travelatus; a site that focuses on event travel. One of our primary goals at Oh Hey World is to connect like-minded people with each other. Being a co-founder of a tech company in the travel industry, one of my personal interests is learning more about other entrepreneurs building travel tech companies. I stumbled across Valentin in the comments of Tnooz, and reached out to him to have him answer a few questions.

Without further adieu…

1) What do you do?

ValentinDombrovskyWe make Travelatus – ultimate event travel solution. We want to make trips devoted to visiting concerts or sport events easy giving the user opportunity to plan and to book all necessary services (event tickets, accommodation, transportation) using simple “one window sale system”. We develop a recommendation system in order to enable easy discovery of interesting events as well. In future we want to enable group trip planning, making it easier for groups of friends to have great event travel experiences.

2) Why do you do what you do?

We found out that event travel is a great opportunity to see great events in great places combining great experiences. We also see that this opportunity is underestimated right now because it’s not easy to plan such trip using modern online travel solutions. So we found the gap in online travel sphere that we want to fill with our solution.

3) What are you most excited about right now?

The most exciting thing for me is that after a long period of development we were able to launch Travelatus. We started with a bit different idea and it took us more than a year to get to the current version of our service. We got help from Czech accelerator StartupYard and at last managed to create the service with a team of only 3 people. This was a long and a glorious journey for us, however, I understand that it’s only the beginning. But still I try to look into the future with optimism and look forward to new obstacles to overcome. :)

4) What’s next for you?

Right now we continue development of the service – next plans include creating better planning system, enhancement of recommendations system, enabling group planning and finally making the real “one window sale system” available.

5) What’s a cause you’re passionate about and why?

I’m keen on online travel, startups in general and running. I try to support communities that are related to all these things – making things together is always easier than alone, no matter what you’re doing.

If you’re keen to connect with Valentin further, you can find his current location on his OHW profileA big thanks to Valentin for sharing his motivations and current projects. If you’d like to connect on social media with Valentin:

Travelatus on Twitter and Facebook

Valentin on Twitter

We’ll be featuring a number of other travel tech entrepreneurs in the coming weeks. If you are an entrepreneur in the travel vertical, and want to be profiled, please sign up for an OHW account and add “travel tech entrepreneurs” as an interest on your profile — then shoot me an email (drew at ohheyworld).

The post An Interview with Valentin Dombrovsky of Travelatus appeared first on Oh Hey World.

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